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Things to Do in random order.

Today, during the weekend, tomorrow.

Write. At least one blog post or a note to one person dear to me, to someone special. A desire, a dream, a goal, something that tomorrow will have a different sense and mean more or less.

Buy a tray for breakfast in bed.

Fill the house with pink balloons.

Order the closet. Starting from the shoes which are in absolute anarchy. Passing through the “department Jeans” and part-shirts from-man. Ending there in the drawer of the joys (yes, sooner or later it will also be the time for lipsticks and eye shadows). Do this by with a generous dose of patience, a dash of ruthless objectivity, a dozen envelopes and a glass of red wine.

Recycle. Candle glasses for makeup brushes. The biscuit tin for invitations to fashion shows. The porcelain jar of cherries and mini jugs for peonies.

Dare red. When it’s raining outside. Though a pair of black pants and gray cardigan are all good.

Dedicate myself to my job. For fashion to be taken lightly and ironically.

Anything on your “to Do” list today, this weekend, tomorrow?

Images via: Google – Tumblr – LeFashion – COTTDS