0172The first kiss.

The first time.

The first day of school.

The first day of gym. Which is always on Monday.

The first beating heart. Which turns into first love.

The first vote.

The first pain. Which is never the last.

The first full stop. And back at square one.

The first train. The one you catch and the one you miss.

The first exam.

The first boy.

The first flowers.

The first note. The first step.

The first gift. You gave to me.

The first coffee of the day.

The first picture together.

The first gulp of wine.

The first trip with friends.

The first night of spring.

The first weekend by the sea.

The first time you don’t think about it and just do it.

The first night alone.

The first sun. The first moon.

The fist missing in action – and feeling missed.

The living! Every day like the first time.

“Every first time, don’t wait for the second one”.0793noah263984046659340809_0ea3b94a0647