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Isabelle Huppert pour H&KBe a Thursday.

Be a rock.

Be romantic. Romantic exasperatedly. Corny if you like.

Disorganized. Who says that shoes must be on the shoe rack and not in the Polaroid’s box as they are our business cards.

Be pissed.

Be gentle. Devoted to the kitchen if you dip your hands in the pastry while relaxing your thoughts.

Feminine. Whatever the meaning you want to assign to this word. Whatever shade of lipstick you wear.

Immature. Giddy.

Be anchored to the ground. Shoeless. And be ready to take a flight even barefoot.

Be provocative and know how to take the challenge, which is very difficult as there’s this tiny line not to seem vulgar.

Be bold showing your feelings. Shy in looks. Undecided because it is said that we should always have an answer, and only one question.


Be gentle: in curves and gestures, and words.

Be a protagonist of your hours.

Unhelpful. If this helps you to feel better.

Be vocal. But shut up if you have run out of words or you are simply tired of saying them.

Be wild. Untrimmed. Unstructured, like a basted jacket over your shoulders.

Messy. Because tidy hair is always boring.

Pouting. But with ability to laugh at yourself  first.

Be plain. Or heavy, without shame.

Demure. If the nakedness of the body or soul do not belong to you.

Daring. If you like sleeping on your back, with no redness on the cheeks.

Faux-naif. Or simply sincere.

Be generous. Greedy of love. For love. Hunter or prey.


Be mothers. Daughters. Girls Next Door. Lovers. Wives. Singles. You.


Love you, my Thursday girls!

Images via tumbrl.com